Welcome Brothers and Sisters,
Please sign on to follow my newest attempt to further my own and others knowledge and growth. This was an idea I had a while ago and have been brewing it in my own brain (so to speak). So please feel free to post (being mindful) and share with others of a like mind. As that is what I am trying to do here in this "Virtual Refuge Sangha".
As you may have guessed or assumed this is a Sangha of sorts. A safe place for fellow Buddhists to come and sit a while. So if you are not walking this path, please feel free to share in the comfort of this space, but be mindful of some material you may not understand. It is fine to disagree or simply question some of the material posted here, but not to be discourtious or disrespectful.
This is a place for love and comfort. Discussion and reflection. So please keep in touch. Post, read and take in the beauty of the Buddhist culture. While I have been on this path for some time...I am still a child, so be patient as this blog grows. Into something I hope all will enjoy and learn from. It has taken many lifetimes to get here....and many more to follow. Of that I'm sure.
Namaste' Brothers and Sisters, Kevin Burgess
P.S. I (Kevin Burgess) am a follower of the Mahayana tradition, mostly ;)
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